7 Leadership Mistakes youre making right now

The 7 leadership mistakes you are probably making right now

Say the word ‘leader’ and often we can’t help but think of someone with a commanding presence and a great capacity for speech.

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Make your team feel incredible

How to make your team feel incredible with just three things

There’s loads of stuff out there on what makes a brilliant team (big yawn...). When we get rid of all of that noise - it’s simple. A team that feels good, does good. How your team feels all round, well, it’s a lot to do with how you make them feel.

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10 reasons why you can’t fake it until you make it in leadership

9 reasons why you can’t fake it until you make it in leadership

Years ago, I was a new Head of department for a global company. I had my first big meeting with the exec team. I wheeled out a fancy presentation, it had all of the bells and whistles, the data was immaculate - but it fell completely flat and it’s fair to say that I spectacularly screwed the whole thing up.

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