Brilliant leadership is an inside out job

"The Jester experience has really refreshed and enhanced the way I view myself and my team on a daily basis. I'm definitely getting to know myself better and by knowing myself, I can be so much more of an authentic leader"

Saima Khan - Head of Delivery, Tisski

Brilliant leadership is an inside out job

"The Jester experience has really refreshed and enhanced the way I view myself and my team on a daily basis. I'm definitely getting to know myself better and by knowing myself, I can be so much more of an authentic leader"

Saima Khan - Head of Delivery, Tisski


Building brilliant leaders from the inside out

If you do not understand you and how your inherent makeup impacts your leadership style, how can you hope to lead a team or an organisation effectively and happily? Anna’s work with every leader starts here.

Learning, exploring and challenging ourselves is something best done in numbers building an unbreakable bond. Anna’s development experiences are delivered using a blend of face-to-face and remote delivery and all are complemented with executive committee alignment sessions for a shared language and commitment from the start.

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Team Huddle Harmony Togetherness Happiness Concept

Tribal leadership

Each one of Anna’s development experiences creates a unique sense of community through her tribal approach to working with leaders. Utilising a range of different group formats and combining that with a tailored, individual experience accelerates learning, promotes best practise and builds a bond between leaders that lasts.

Taking leadership teams and tribes on a transformational journey they never forget – learning, exploring and challenging ourselves is something best done in numbers building an unbreakable bond across your organisation’s leadership layer. Experiences are delivered using a blend of face-to-face and remote delivery and all are complemented with exec committee alignment sessions for a shared language and commitment from the start.

A flavour of Jester development experiences


For organisations who are growing, changing, evolving or disrupting
The elements
  • Tribe kick off and wrap up
  • Two part personal exploration with MBTI and Emotional Intelligence profiles
  • Lead Happy modules (the six fundamentals of leadership)
  • Superskills series (tailored to tribe)
  • Tribal masterminding for collective problem solving
  • 1-2-1 coaching
  • Group coaching on collective challenges
  • Ongoing digital stimulus to support learning
  • Individual transformation tracker
  • Tribe communication/ support platform


For organisations where leadership challenges are creeping in
  • Tribe kick off and wrap up
  • One part 1-2-1 personal exploration with MBTI profile
  • Lead Happy modules (the six fundamentals of leadership)
  • Superskills light series (tailored to tribe)
  • 1-2-1 coaching for every leader
  • Ongoing digital stimulus for momentum
  • Individual transformation tracker
  • Tribe communication/ support platform of choice


For organisations looking for leadership fundamentals
The elements
  • Tribe kick off and wrap up
  • Group personal discovery session with MBTI profiles
  • Lead Happy modules (the six fundamentals of leadership)
  • Skills in 15 minutes series (tailored to tribe)
  • Ongoing digital stimulus for momentum
  • Tribe communication/ support platform of choice

Jestology® – separating Jester leaders from the crowd

Anna’s unique Jestology® philosophy underpins the experiential, dynamic and fun way she works with leaders. It’s also a powerful toolbox we share with leaders so that they can share stories, facilitate, have fun and collaborate on a completely new level. Jestology® separates a Jester leader from the crowd.

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We learn when we're having fun

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Openness and honesty is a Jester leader superpower

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Collaboration is key