There’s loads of stuff out there on what makes a brilliant team (big yawn…). When we get rid of all of that noise – it’s simple. A team that feels good, does good. How your team feels all round, well, it’s a lot to do with how you make them feel.

Brilliant teams are made up of human beings who feel appreciated, trusted and connected. Here’s three things you can start today to make your team feel incredible (every day).

  1. Send a signal for listening

The short story on listening is that, in large parts, we don’t do it and when we do, it’s half baked. A lot of the time we’re in pretend listening or selective mode. This means a lot of listening to reply – i.e. instead of really paying attention to what the other person is saying, we are already thinking about what we want to say in response. Ring any bells?

As leaders, we have to master attentive and empathetic listening. We’re listening to understand – that’s it. A simple start on this. Ahead of any planned conversations, get listening ready. Remove distractions and clear the space. When someone arrives to talk to you (face to face or Zoom) and you actually look ready and waiting for them, it makes them feel important, open and relaxed. Ready to share.

  1. Ask for help

As a leader you might think you’re supposed to have every answer but even if you did (and you don’t by the way) people hate it when anyone appears to know everything (or think they do). If you’re sitting there thinking you can’t ever be wrong either, forget it. People love it when you’re wrong and if you admit it, I mean, wow. This is when great stuff happens.

As leaders, when we ask for help, here’s what we’re saying. I do not have all the answers. I have stuff to learn too. You can teach me! You are of real value and importance to me. I trust and empower you. There is no downside here. As a leader, we need to find (not avoid) reasons to ask for help left, right and centre.

  1. Say ‘thank you’

It might sound so simple and you might think ‘I already do that.’ And maybe you do but it’s not enough – in regularity, meaning or variety. When we let people know directly, personally, creatively the value they bring to us and the impact of that, we’re feeding one of the biggest human needs we each have – the need for self-worth.

Quickfire on appreciation. Don’t follow it with a but or any other ‘constructive’ feedback (I mean if you can cut the use of the word BUT out your vocabulary altogether even better). Say thank you because. Flippant good jobs, cheers guys – really don’t mean that much. Make it personal – handwritten, a thoughtful gift, flowers in a favourite colour. Appreciate the impact of work on people’s wider lives. Call three people EVERY week just to appreciate what they’ve done.

We help brave and ambitious leaders discover and understand their natural leadership style in order to lead growth, lead confidently – but above all, Lead Happy™.