Creating sustainable change through coaching

"The way Anna explains things and gives you examples makes you feel comfortable to speak about everything and really express yourself. I'm learning so many new things, especially how to lead inclusively and to harness but not be led by your emotions."

Ioana Capatina - Deputy Manager, Taylor & Taylor

Creating sustainable change through coaching

"The way Anna explains things and gives you examples makes you feel comfortable to speak about everything and really express yourself. I'm learning so many new things, especially how to lead inclusively and to harness but not be led by your emotions."

Ioana Capatina - Deputy Manager, Taylor & Taylor


Facilitation for one with transformational outcomes

At the core of Anna’s coaching approach is creating sustainable change. You’ll discuss strategy in detail, but where the real magic happens is in translating that strategy to achievable milestones that will deliver real change for the individual and the organisation.

In each coaching partnership, Anna works holistically with an individual, exploring deeply background, beliefs and vulnerabilities to provide transformational coaching. Coaching should be challenging and direct but should also feel supportive and collaborative. These are the conditions which foster openness and courage, leading to progress.

Jestology® – separating Jester leaders from the crowd

Anna’s unique Jestology® philosophy underpins the experiential, dynamic and fun way she works with leaders. It’s also a powerful toolbox we share with leaders so that they can share stories, facilitate, have fun and collaborate on a completely new level. Jestology® separates a Jester leader from the crowd.

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We learn when we're having fun

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Openness and honesty is a Jester leader superpower

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Collaboration is key