FAQs - we’re glad you asked!

FAQs - we’re glad you asked!

Anna has been supporting leaders for a quarter of a century. She’s been a leader herself for years and has worked with hundreds of leaders in all types of businesses. Deliberately challenging your typical leadership ‘programme’, Anna’s work with leaders is far more dynamic, experiential and bite size – it’s the best way we learn.

The more senior we get in an organisation, the more help we need. In fact, the strongest leaders out there are the ones who still invest in their own personal growth regularly, finding people to help them reflect on themselves and their leadership practice. Whether you’re new into leadership, having a change coming up or are an old dog looking for new tricks (contrary to the saying, this is so possible), leadership coaching can help.

Of course! There are incredible books out there and amazing leaders to learn from. However, none of the books are written about you. To be a brilliant leader you have to dedicate the time to look inwards, understand you as a leader and hone your innate leadership talents. Brilliant leadership really is an inside out job.

Coaching sessions vary from 45 – 90 minutes depending on regularity, the challenges you are exploring and other development experiences that surround it. Ideally, Anna would suggest an hour a month but a month can feel like a long time in the eye of a leadership storm so when this is the case, coaching happens as regularly as weekly. Anna would always recommend, where possible, that coaching is combined with a wider development experience.

Anna’s development experiences work across three levels – leading me, leading others, leading business. If you do not understand you and how your inherent makeup impacts your leadership style, how can you hope to lead a team or an organisation effectively and happily? Anna’s work with every leader starts here. She then builds tailored experiences for each leader or leadership tribe, face-to-face and virtually. The delivery is unique to the leader/ company but the result is always the same – a blended, dynamic, transformational experience your leaders will never forget.

Anna’s support ranges from £295 per leader per month for a monthly coaching session up to £5,000 per leader per month for a comprehensive, blended leadership development experience. Everything is tailor-made – all you have to do is get in touch and get the ball rolling.

Think of coaching as facilitation for one – great questions, deep exploration, challenging perspectives (yours and others). Coaching is all about unlocking the best resourcefulness from within you. However we don’t know what we don’t know! And no amount of questions is going to change that. Therefore development (including mentoring) is all about building new knowledge, capability and skills. The combination of coaching and development is a bit like combining cardio and weights – absolutely transformational. And that’s why Anna’s leadership development blended experiences are so popular.

The million dollar question. To summarise, a Jester coaching and development experience will help you to redefine and understand leadership in a completely new way. It will unlock who you are and critically, how that determines the way you lead. It will help you recognise, understand and unlock the motivation and talents of the people around you. You will walk taller, feel more confident and comfortable in your leadership role and your leadership capability will rocket. Sound good? Get in touch.

Gifting our help to leaders in need

Kindness is the world’s biggest underrated (and used) agent of change.

We gift a number of coaching and development sessions for leaders and humans who need it but are unable to fund it every month. Is this you or someone you know? Tap us up and we’ll see if we can help.

JC Section Logo | Image of the Jester logo using the red and pink colours
JC Section Logo | Image of the Jester logo using the red and pink colours

Gifting our help to leaders in need

Kindness is the world’s biggest underrated (and used) agent of change.

We gift a number of coaching and development sessions for leaders and humans who need it but are unable to fund it every month. Is this you or someone you know? Tap us up and we’ll see if we can help.